AngularJS - Understanding Controllers
- Main task of Controllers in AngularJS is to control the data in AngularJS .
- As we know that AngularJS is the depends on Javascript so you may find syntax same as JavaScript derived .
- Normally it will be called by JavaScript Object constructor .
You will be more familiar after executing following code :
<html> <script src= ""></script> <body> <!-- Main Code For Two Inputs --> <div ng-app="Manav" ng-controller="Ctrl"> City: <input type="text" ng-model="city"><br><br><br> Country: <input type="text" ng-model="country"><br><br><br> Result: {{city + " " + country}} </div> <!-- Function Ceated For Two Object --> <script> var app = angular.module('Manav', []); app.controller('Ctrl', function($scope) { $ = "Rajkot"; $ = "India"; }); </script> </body> </html>
As you can see above example :
We have taken Two inputs for first it's City and another is Country .
After that we have used JavaScript function and it will be called by $scope
Let's see output :
Try to run above code and make changes which you want .
Thanks for Reading .
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